

The World Ranger Day is celebrated on 31 July to commemorate Rangers and celebrate the work that they do to protect the world’s natural and cultural heritage. On this occasion, we would like to thank EAD rangers for their outstanding role in protecting Abu Dhabi’s wildlife and biodiversity. Here is a video shared by our colleague Mohamed Al Marzooqi, Ranger – Marine Protected Areas, TMBS, for this occasion.



EAD’s Strategic Plan 2021-2025 comprises seven strategic priorities, supported by four enabling priorities. Below is our Priority 4 along with its sub-priorities:

Priority 4:

Ensure the conservation, protection, and enhancement of our rich biodiversity

Sub priority:

Research, conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of biodiversity

Regulation development and enforcement for the recovery and sustainable exploitation of fisheries

EAD and Etihad Rail ensure the highest sustainability standards across construction of the rail network

EAD and Etihad Rail, the developer and operator of the UAE’s National Rail Network collaborated in implementing sustained environmental stewardship during the planning and construction of the Etihad Rail Project, one of the largest infrastructure projects in the UAE. The first phase of this project is already operational, while the second phase will extend across the UAE from its border with Saudi Arabia into Abu Dhabi and further Dubai and Sharjah into Fujairah on the east coast.

EAD Implements executive regulation to improve marine water quality

EAD started implementing an executive regulation on marine water quality in Abu Dhabi. The regulation aims to preserve the quality of ambient marine water and sediments by regulating liquid discharges from land-based activities to the marine environment. EAD also aims to combat the deterioration of ambient marine water and sediments quality by applying measures to environmental impact assessment studies and environmental licensing applications. The regulation strengthens the enforcement measures taken by EAD, including the environmental assessment, licensing and inspection procedures for development projects and industrial establishments to ensure compliance.

EAD satellite tracks a group of rehabilitated turtles

As part of a first batch of a total of 150 rehabilitated turtles returned to the sea, a Loggerhead Hawksbill and Green sea turtle were selected to have tracking equipment fitted, to enable EAD to monitor their progress and drive key research into their behaviour and migration habits. The release was attended by our Secretary General, Dr Shaikha Salem Al Dhaheri and Major General Staff Pilot Faris Khalaf Al Mazrouei, Commander-in-Chief of Abu Dhabi Police.
EAD and the National Aquarium have rehabilitated and released 250+ turtles to date since the collaboration began in 2020. The remaining turtles in the current programme will be gradually released into key marine areas.

EAD continues to pioneer marine scientific research in the region with a new State-of-the-Art Marine Conservation and Fisheries Research Vessel

As part of EAD’s ongoing commitment towards protecting the environment and the marine biodiversity in Abu Dhabi and the UAE marine ecosystem, EAD is building the Middle East’s most advanced research vessel. The state-of-the-art, multipurpose marine conservation and fisheries vessel will use environment-friendly technologies in conducting specialised research. Operating in the UAE’s waters of the Arabian Gulf, Arabian Sea, and further afield, the 50 m vessel enables EAD to complete new marine and fisheries scientific waters in the previously largely unstudied waters 10 m and deeper. It will be designed and built for the conditions of the region—characterised by high sea water fluctuations and salinity.

EAD and Wetlands International launches a new online portal for the world’s waterbird populations

EAD and Wetlands International launched the Waterbird Populations Portal (WPP), an online interactive platform containing the most recent data on the status and distribution of the world’s waterbird populations. The launch was held at a global webinar, organised by the Wetlands International in partnership with EAD. The discussion featured a leading international panel including representatives from the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), African Eurasian Migratory Bird Agreement (AEWA), East Asian – Australasian Flyway (EAAF) Site Network, West/Central Asian Flyway Site Network, and Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN), who represent the major users of the new portal. Our colleague, Dr Sàlim Javed, Acting Director of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Division of EAD was part of the panel.

EAD monitors soil quality using cutting-edge satellite, drone and artificial intelligence technology

EAD completed the pilot phase of a Soil Mapping project that uses the latest satellite and drone remote sensing technology, as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). The project is in line with EAD’s strategic priorities ensuring sustainable and integrated approaches to protecting land and soil, assessing the impact of human activities and providing the basis for future management plans, protection policies and soil-related regulations. Mapping the contamination of soil in the Abu Dhabi Emirate aims to highlight which areas need to undergo remediation, recovery or protection measures to support a more sustainable environment.

PR & Communications Division launches the EAD WhatsApp Group

As part of enhancing the way we communicate and keep staff updated about our EAD’s strategy and its initiatives, Internal Communications Section, PRC launched the EAD WhatsApp. This new communications tool is dedicated to those employees, the Rangers, who don’t have access to emails and other internal communications tools since their work requires them to be out in the field. The group has now over 100 participants. If you are a ranger’s line manager, please share their contact details with Internal@ead.gov.ae to be added to the WhatsApp group.



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To view the full year calendar please click here

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    Environmental Talks: Our sea Our Responsibility
    05 August 2021
    Environmental Talks: Our sea Our Responsibility

    This session will explain the new Marine Water Quality regulations and policies issued by EAD.

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    Environmental Talks: Major Environmental Innovations
    25 August 2021
    Environmental Talks: Major Environmental Innovations

    This session will cover the most recent and major environmental innovations. The session will be conducted by our colleague Obaid Al Jeaidi, Senior Specialist Outreach Programme – Education, EISOM.

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    Emirati Women’s Day
    28 August 2021
    Emirati Women’s Day

    The Emirati Women’s Day is an annual event that celebrates Emirati women. This year’s theme is “Women: Ambitions & Inspiration for Next 50 Years,” in line with the President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s announcement of 2021 as “Year of the 50th”.

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    Environmental Talks: Wonders of Abu Dhabi
    30 August 2021
    Environmental Talks: Wonders of Abu Dhabi

    Are your little ones interested in learning more about the wonders of Abu Dhabi? Join our session to learn more about the animal and plant species of Abu Dhabi Emirate.

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    International Whale Shark Day
    30 August 2021
    International Whale Shark Day

    The International Whale Shark Day is celebrated on 30 August every year to raise awareness and to encourage marine conservation efforts aimed at this shark species. Whale Sharks are considered Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, they appear occasionally in the marinas and waterways of Abu Dhabi and are not considered harmful.





One of my happiest moments this month is joining EAD and being part of a division that is very related to what I studied, which is public relations strategy. I like how helpful and professional my colleagues are. EAD will be a good place for me to achieve my future goals and ambitions on a professional and personal level.

Mariam Al Mansoori
PR & Communications Division


Did you know that Dragonflies are colourful, predatory insects of freshwater habitats of the UAE.

They are characterised by their elongated bodies, long wings and large eyes. Dragonflies are carnivorous, and their diets include smaller insects like mosquitoes and flies and hence a biological control agent. They have ecological roles in the food chain as prey and predators. Dragonflies and Damselflies are sensitive indicators of the health of wetlands and its landscapes and the presence of dragonflies indicates fresh water.


Now that school is over, we’re hosting a summer challenge for you and your families! What waste can you see whenever you go to the beach?

We’d love to see! Take a video, record your findings, post and tag us @eadfamily or send us your video through internal@ead.gov.ae
